Saturday 24 January 2009

The Game ?

Being in the army isn't great at all and when you come across certain things, it gets your blood boiling.
During my previous book in, which was yesterday, there were at least 5 guys who went to get 'The Game by Neil Strauss'.

You see, by now I would have thought that the trend of buying this particular book would have eventually died down. But it seems that I was wrong! And that pisses me off in a very pms-sorta-way.
I don't really get it.
Why the hell couldn't one guy just buy it and pass it around and maybe have the others chip in a bit for the book?

Oh no no no!
Guys being guys, we have to prove that we are better than the other and show that we will master the skills to get almost any girl out there and then into our beds much faster than the other.
We can't finish second best to him!
No way Jose!

But why?
This is what's wrong with us.
And if we continue having this sort of mentality nothing's really gonna change. The ladies have have all the while been sharing tips and know how's amongst themselves, and no I don't find a self-help book similar to that of Neil Strauss being a bestseller for the ladies; unless of course I'm wrong.

When a lady experiences something out of almost anything - in this case it would be a relationship - be it good or bad, she is known to share it with her girlfriends (in layman's terms, it's known as bitching).

Where I'm going at is precisely this: despite having alpha-male tendencies and wanting to be better than another man, we should be trying to learn from each other. Sharing experiences with another guy doesn't make you any less of a man. It only makes you a better man, because by sharing you gain something from the comments or criticisms that you'll get from your fellow counterparts. It only builds you up. It prevents you from doing the same mistake again. Plus you'll have an insight as to how the other guy does it.

So you see, why in the world is every guy buying this book, when obviously it isn't anything amazing. Of course you'll go, "But Jo, I bet you've read the book too, so stop being a hypocrite".
Yes, I've read it. And no I couldn't be bothered to buy the book. I on the other hand got it from a friend and well he's none other than Ash. Ash too got it from a fellow friend of his and it was an e-book that was released way before it became a phenom.

You see we exchange any new stuff that we come across or stumble upon. Keeping it all to myself will not make me king. Instead I would just be dwelling in my own world where I would be thinking that I'm the only one who knows that particular something. That of course is wrong, cos' I bet some guy must have already figured it out, or else I wouldn't have stumbled upon it. Here's another thing, I didn't exactly read the 'book'. I just scrolled through parts that caught my attention or managed to entice me. Other than that, I was pretty much done with it.

But then again why?
Well, it talks about the basic things every guy should know but are unaware of, and these things have been said by so many other pick up artists - who I would say are better than him - over and over again.
By reading it, we tend to follow word for word what he says in his book, and by this we tend to become the image the book wants us to be. By that, it goes against the cardinal rule that we stated from the very start: Be yourself!

Sooner or later, we'll be seeing the release of yet another book similar to this, because almost every other guy who's trying to pick up a girl is using the same old trick and someone has to come up with a new one for the guys to use on them ladies.

So take my advice and go borrow it from a friend instead and don't bother buying it. And well just read the parts that you think you've have not yet mastered.
Once you're done, just toss it aside would you?
Or be a kind friend and return it back.
Or pass it on to another guy whom you think needs some help in the Ladies Department.

1 comment:

Ashley Joseph said...

Lol,a friend of mine today,just started reading the game and he's raving all about it.

Anyway it's about time the points you mentioned were expressed.

Sometimes guys take,"Every man for himself!" too seriously.