Sunday 3 May 2009

Sunshine Smile

One of the most attractive accessories a guy can wear is a smile.Trouble is most guys don't smile very often. We prefer to scowl because the world ought to know better than to mess with us right?

So today I'm going to share with you some of the things I've learnt about smiling. I used to be the kind of guy who rarely smiled at strangers because I felt so uncomfortable doing it. Then until a lady friend told me,before she got to know me, she used to think I was really fierce because I rarely smiled and how I looked so much better with a smile on.

Of course initially I did not trust her assessment of me until I went to a club and some girls mentioned to my friend they thought I was cute but because I didn't smile,they thought I was weird and didn't approach me.

But how does one go from Mr. Broody Ice Queen to the Radiant Sun?

Let me confess before I carry on, I'm still a long way from achieving that spontaneous natural smile. Therefore if I were to tell you, I'm gonna teach you how to do a natural smile, any time, anywhere,that would be an oxymoron.

What I can share with you is some techniques how to at least get a sincere smile out.

Now you'r probably going to hate me when I say this. A man who is brave enough to walk around with a grin,smirk or smile on his face nearly all the time is a man who's figured out what he wants out of his life and is confident of who he is. See how everything is linked to you getting your shit together :) ?

The next thing is, you gotta love humanity and the world around you. Because if you sincerely love people, it kind of radiates. And this second point is a real tough one to achieve.But it can be done.This point is linked to you making as many true friends as possible. Remember all the people around you are potential friends.

So far all I've touched on is the 'Zen' kind of stuff but now let me share with you some practical tips.

For me the moment I step out of the house, I try to start off with a slight smirk or a grin. I do this by thinking about all the things I love about life. Once you do this often enough,it's easy to progress to the next step when you see someone;a smile.

The next thing that gets me into the smiling mood is when I think of something funny my friends have said or done or something really funny I've read.

e.g. "Bulls balls" cracks me up every time for some reason. The trick is for you to find your own catch phrases or memories which make you smile every time.

Finally the toughest thing to do is putting everything together to form that sun burst of a smile.

The next time you want to smile at someone,look them in the eyes. Convey with your eyes how much you love them as a human.Think of that "something funny" and slowly break into that beautiful smile. Imagine you are the radiant sun shining on this wonderful person.

Remember I said this putting together a sincere smile is one of the hardest. It's something that'll consume a lifetime, so lets get started yeah?

I hope my friend, when we meet you'll be my radiant sun :D

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