Monday 11 January 2010

Bros Before Hoes?

Have you ever been in a situation where,you and a bud like the same girl and one day,he confesses he's got 'feelings' for her?

Or have you put a bro in that situation?

In the animal kingdom,in these kind of situations,it's very simple.

Fight for your bitch!

Unfortunately among humans,it's not always that simple.

There are things like social norms for one.And laws and shit like that.

Also sometimes,it might be a friend you've known for a decade or a couple.

So, do you just stop pursuing this girl and let your friend have her?

Hell no!

Not without a fight at least.

Try to remember this tit bit.

Women don't choose who they are attracted to.

Why is this important to know?

Because it means if she's not attracted to your friend,then your gesture of letting him, have her has become totally pointless.In fact now some other asshole is gonna reap the fruits of your 'kind/friendly' act.

So you get out there and keep flirting with her,fuck bros before hoes.

She'll choose the better man or in this case, the one she's more attracted to.

And while women don't choose who they are attracted to,you can improve your attractiveness.Thus loading the dice.

Read these 2 posts :

1. Girls,girls,girls...

2. Get A Life

If your friend wins in the game of seduction,feel happy for him as hard as it may be to do.Learn what he did right or wrong.And while you may have to tone down your flirting a couple of notches,keep flirting.Practice is always good.

Finally, never become a girlfriend/wife stealer.Bros before hoes!

Some would argue,what's wrong with that?

Didn't you say she's gonna choose the better man?

Isn't it his fault, for not having a stronger attraction than me?

Yes,I did.

But think about this for a while.

If you do succeed in stealing a girlfriend/wife,what kind of of girl do you think she is?

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Being Nice Vs Being "The Nice Guy"

All too often there are many men who complain,they hate being the "nice guy" or women treat them like crap because they are "too nice". And they begin all the hooha about how bad guys getting all the girls they want.

Now let's make a clear distinction between being nice and being the "nice guy." They are 2 different things. But because of these "nice guys", being nice has become something negative.

"Nice guys" don't get women because women sense ulterior motives to their niceness in them.And let's face it guys,we all have this very negative tendency to treat the woman we are pursuing extra "nice" or the Hollywood chick flick kind of nice.Thus we become the "nice guy".

This sudden change of behaviour kills attraction. Yes,you can be unpredictable but if niceness is not a trait people usually praise you for,don't suddenly turn into the "nice guy."

Be yourself.

Now on the flip side,if you're nice to EVERYONE around you,you'll never complain that you don't get women because you're the nice guy.

p.s: I trust you guys know the difference between being nice and being a pushover?