Wednesday 7 January 2009

New Year's Exercise

Hello everyone. It's a new year once more. So here's a little exercise for you to go out there and try.

As we all know women are social creatures and they can talk till the cows turn to burger patties. And if you can't hold an interesting conversation with them,your chances of proceeding further are doomed.

If you're a guy who has trouble talking to women, chances are you most likely have trouble talking to strangers regardless of their gender or age. Now why is this a problem? I mean in the movies you always see the shy guy getting the hot chick....

Well this is reality my friend and thanks to present social norms women most of the time are not going to approach the shy guy. Worse still if you are the kind of guy who's awkward around strangers,they feel that awkward vibe and distrust you.

But fret not I'm going tell you some ways to help you out.

Talk to every stranger you interact with in daily life. For example,let say you'r at the supermarket.When you approach the cashier smile and say a simple "Hi!" in your most cheerful tone while looking them in the eye. Chances are, they'll return that smile for you've made their day slightly better.

Making small talk with taxi drivers,barbers,etc is a good way to start off, getting over your anxiety of talking to strangers. Also just like every other skill in life,as you practice the art of conversation more and more,you become better.

A lot of times for an interesting conversation,you don't actually have to say much,you just have to listen.Now if you are like me who has this massive assholic problem of interrupting people when they are talking,this is what you do.When someone is talking,you tell your mind "Shut the fuck up" and concentrate on what the person is saying.Don't concentrate on your reply.

This is easier than done of course,even after knowing,many a times, my friends have to tell me to listen to them because I tend to interrupt.But with practice,I'm slowly on the road to recovery :D

Why is interrupting someone a huge problem? Because on a subconscious level you come off as being insecure.It is because you are insecure, you want to get whatever you want to say in the open, by interrupting people because you'r scared people, are going to forget that you have something to say and that something matters.

So listen.

The next important thing you ought to do is give out sincere compliments more often.If you see a girl,whom you know, normally does not dress up and suddenly she's dressed up looking all hot and sexy,check her out while she sees you checking her out and then look her in the eyes and tell her she's looking hot.

Even if it's a girl you're not interested in just give the compliment, for she has gone through the effort and by rewarding the effort you've made her day. Of course, compliments are for everyone who deserve them.

Lastly learn to say "Thank you" and "You'r welcome" more often. If someone does something nice for you,clearly show your gratitude.If some one thanks you for being nice to them,be gracious in accepting their compliment and say "you'r welcome."

So basically to sum up go out there and:






Barry said...

Excellent advice.

I got over my awkwardness with women when I discovered that I usually only had to initiate the conversation. They handled all the rest.

Ashley Joseph said...

Haha,I didn't expect you to visit this blog.

Its more for men,who still are making sense of the whole process, of finding the right one.

Which you have already done so :D

Would you be kind to share any tips?

José said...

Seems that you've decided to resurrect this blog for the new year!

Ashley Joseph said...
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Ashley Joseph said...

This blog just likes to be lazy :D