Tuesday 24 June 2008

The Best Damn Thing ?

If you are a guy living in the civilized world,since the day you have been able to walk and talk you have been taught, to be nice to girls.

By the time you reach puberty, you'd have learned one of the ways to get a girl's arm entwined in yours(or if you already have a girlfriend;to keep her) you need to cater to all her absurd fairytale whims and wishes.

I am sure, you will find what follows below familiar (I extracted this from a girl's blog.I've omitted some of the more ridiculous ones.):

Things that guys need to know about girls(read the stuff in italics! Those are the things you really need to know.)

1. Girls hate it when guys ignore them

Yeah, guys hate it too when girls ignore them...go figure...

4. Don't flirt with other girls!!

So, its ok for you to flirt with other guys but not ok when we do the same with other girls?

5. Girls aren't always looking for a serious relationship (we like flings too!!)

Guys, the sentence above is very important.Not every girl you're going out with, is "The One." So don't waste all your time,effort and resources on a single girl, until you're sure.


So much for gender equality...but hey we already knew that :)

13. Give us tiny presents once in a while.. we will appreciate it! (but nothing over 20 bucks if its not a special occasion)

Ah yes, spoil Her Royal Brattiness,you are after all her personal ATM...Don't get me wrong now, on special occasions,you should buy her stuff...just like how you would buy a normal friend something on his or her birthday for example.

15. Do a trick, you get a cookie!

It is amazing, the amount of bending over, some guys will do to please a girl...

16. We’re allowed to be late, you’re not.

Being late is not nice...and it does not matter if you are a girl or a guy !

18. If we break up with you, put your big-boy pants on and walk away. DON’T WHINE… and don’t ask us how you can get us back...

Heads up guys,this is yet another important sentence. If a girl breaks up with you, you fucking jolly well get moving along. There are other girls out there. Learn from the experience and be stronger next time. And never bitch about your ex-girlfriends, it makes you look bad !

39. Always pick us up from our house. It’s a small task, but it means a lot to us.

If it is a special occasion or circumstance you should...if it is not...then get this into your head : You are not her fucking chauffeur!

81. If you buy her lunch or movie tickets etc, and she insists on paying you back, she doesn't like you. She feels bad for you and wants to give you your money back.

Fuck the feel bad shit.The society that we are raised in, demands that we be our special girl's ATM and cough up for everything.

Again, if it is a special occasion or special circumstance, by all means go ahead and pay for her but not every single fucking time you meet up with her ! Go dutch or better still don't date,there are other ways of going out with girls... :) But that's another topic for another day.

Let me sum up for you the main points of this post.

1. Your girlfriend or the girl you like, is NOT The BEST DAMN THING ! The best damn thing is YOUR life. She's only a part of it.

2. You are NOT her personal ATM. It is okay, if you pay for her once in a while on special days and stuff.Because you would normally do the same for your relatives or friends special days.

3. You are NOT her personal chauffeur. Only for special occasions, will you pick her up...got that?

4. You are NOT her 24/7 personal entertainer. You have your moods and she better respect that.

But...but...but Ash,if I don't do all those 'gentlemanly' things, you've told me not to do, my special girl is gonna leave me :(

My answer to that is...let her go !

She's not worth it, if she's not willing to respect you, as a man and instead views you as a useful accessory.

Sure, all girls want to be treated like princesses.

But then she must remember you're the King :)

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