Sunday 22 June 2008


Alright, so you probably have tons of people that you already know by now, girls that you're interested in, and you're asking yourself, "What do I do next?"

Well that brings us to the topic of flirting.

"Flirting is a form of human interaction between two people, expressing a sexual and/or romantic interest. It can consist of conversation, body language, or brief physical contact."
- Taken from Wikipedia

  • Most of the time, flirting is done with your eyes. Keeping good eye-contact on a woman when you talk to her is what you need to do. Just keep your eyes focused on her a tad bit "too long." If you focus on her too long, she's either thinking you're probably screwing her in your head or that she's got a mole that she's not sure of having before.
  • When you approach a woman, say "Hello" in a flirty way. It will make her think you are sexier than the average geek who walks up to her and gives her a shy/normal "Hi". Isn't being different the whole idea at everything?
  • When you shake her hand, let your hand stay on hers for a bit too long. Do this while smiling and looking into her eyes sincerely. You certainly do not want to come off as a pervert!
  • As you talk to her, repeat her name as much as you can. When I mean repeat, that doesn't mean fitting her name at the end of every god damn sentence. She'll probably think you're having hard ons at the very fact of pronouncing her name. When you say her name, say it slowly, softly and sensually each time you say it.
Example: "Hi there Vir-ginia, it's nice to meet you..."

  • Try lowering your volume, so that she has to lean towards you to listen.
  • It's always good to be playful when it comes to girls. So always ask yourself whether you're all out in having as much fun as possible with the girl you're flirting with and how far are you willing to go with it?
  • Having nicknames is one of the most excellent ways of telling her 'You're special unlike every other girl' that you come in contact with. Girls love that special attention!
  • If she starts touching you, then touch her on the shoulder or arm when you laugh. It just shows that you're reciprocating. There are times where she doesn't expect to be touched back. Always make sure there are hints pointing towards her trying to play this 'contact' game with you.
  • Do you know what strippers do to guys? They get a guy all hot and steamy and then just leave; making them want more. So do the same thing with them girls. Get a girl all hot and then leave her wanting for more! Do this on a high, so as to prevent yourself from reaching that silence stage where neither of you say anything, and all you have is both of you staring at each other. That isn't cool. Do this right, and she'll be dying to meet you again.
  • Laugh at her jokes whenever she makes one. Girls usually exercise this trait when they're into guys they're interested in. So why not mess around with them? :)
  • Pay attention to what she says during the conversation that she's having with you and not on the various hotties that are walking in and out of that door.
  • Drop her a compliment every once in awhile. Don't make it a common thing, cos' the next time she hears from it you, she'll take them lightly or probably think you're just trying to suck up.
  • Incorporate teasing when flirting. I assume you should know what I mean.
  • Ask her personal questions as time progresses. Things about her past and so on. When you establish that kind of level. She'll be more open towards you.

So just go out there and flirt!
It's no harm at all. Really!

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