Monday 1 June 2009

The kind of guys, girls really attract and why?

When we were young we tend to do the most stupidest of things. When I recount them now and if I were tell my buddies about them, they would probably call me a pussy, not until I ask them what they did back during those days, that they will just end up keeping to the  'silence is fucking golden' bullshit.

But if I were to tell them to a girl, they would go " sweet. Well, what happened to her then?"

Well here goes:
Back during secondary school I used to like this girl. One of the many to be precise. Anyway, she was pretty, had a nice tan, had smooth and silky shoulder length hair and was smart.
She was able to detect sacarsms (the girls I knew, couldn't even get a thinly veiled one- Gosh!), and that was such a turn on. She even managed to deliver comebacks. As much as I loved talking to her, at some point eventually, I ended up not knowing what to talk about.

But that all soon changed. I realized that she always talked about the TV Show Charmed, to her female friends. Her friends were sitting beside me, and she, well was sitting behind me. 
You know, girls being girls, they couldn't stop chattering non-stop. Sometimes it might be a good thing but most of the time; not.
While she was in one of her conversations, I noticed she was all crazy over Charmed and decided to do something about it.

Well, guess what, I decided to watch Charmed too. Yes, despite not being able to bear the first 10 mins of the show. But no, no. Just for her, I watched every episode on TV week after week, just so I could find another excuse to talk to her and prolong our conversations.

Ladies: Awwww...(with a puppy dog face and they pinch your cheeks).

Dude, I even helped clean her fucking hamster cage that she brought to school. I know. Wtf? Yes agreed.
Ladies: Awww, so sweet of you. You're such a sweetie.
Me: Duh, obviously. haha. 

So as I was saying, basically, look at what a girl made me do. I didn't even end up getting together with her, during a time when relationshps were highly regarded. As a matter of fact, fuck those times. 
There was a time when out of the blue, when asked who would she pick to fuck from the entire class by her friends (I agree girls mature faster than guys), she said and I proudly quote, " I would obviously fuck Jo".
That made me feel good for a year or two actually. 

Eventually, I stopped talking to her and well she's a lesbian now. I'm not kidding. Sad story. 

*If right now you were to ask me to do the things I did back then for a girl, I would ask you to GO FUCK YOURSELF!

Alright wait a minute.
This is where I'm driving at... 
**Made you think I was an asshole didn't I? Actually I am but...let me explain myself.

Every guy, before he were to be the jerk/asshole he is today, should be rightfully credited to the actions of the ladies in their past. Without them he would be nothing. 
Besides, behind every jerk or an asshole is a woman.
Girls these days tend to whine about where have all the good guys gone; married, dead or gay -or so they claim.

Every guy(most guys - there are some fucked up ones though) was gentlemanly; treated their ladies with respect, went the extra mile to even look like a pussy infront of the other guys but weren't  given back the same level of affection. Instead, we became just like an accessory that they decided to accessorize themselves with.

When they had a guy who was willing to do the most idiotic of things for them, they did not treat them well enough, but once the girls matured into fine young ladies, they regretted the stuff they did (or so I think they do; as always ladies always prove me wrong). 
Because the only guys they seem to attract now are most probably jerks. They have become jerk magnets, and they squirm about it - every time their boyfriend ends up breaking up with them -  when talking to their girlfriends about how she thought he wouldn't be like the previous ones.

Oh well, we guys grew out of it (or at least some), and realised somehow with the help of some evil male genius - who decided to dedicate his life entirely to finding the mysteries of the female mind - that girls actually don't want their guys to be wussies, but instead they want them to be jerks(unintentionally or intentionly - whatever floats your boat princesses). 

"Psychologically, when we want something, it is being expressed unknowingly through our words and actions. And because we yearn so much for a particular thing, (and by this I'm not referring to desperation.That's far from it.) the other person can pretty much read/anlayse what we want."


"When the more we want something, we do things that exhibit what we want, even if we do not say it out in the open. It's as if we are asking people to read between the lines. And people are smart enough to read between the lines. When they do, they realize how much you want it and they try to stay away. This then results in us not getting what we want. It's because we tend to scare them away by placing too much in the open unknowingly and some of us do it knowingly."

Well, just a word of advice from your friendly neighbourbood male blogger:
What you did in your past, will always come back to haunt you.
Start afresh.

*It doesn't mean that i'm an unromantic dick. It's just that now I know where to draw the line and with who. You wouldn't want to dish out lovey dovey stuffs to any girl you meet except to the special one that you end up with.

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