Tuesday 23 June 2009

Sometimes we guys tend to take things more than we can handle.

You're in denial then.
It's only manly to do so, or so we have been mind fucked to believe.

The word manly has been thrown around for basically every damn thing that would make a man want to do it.
If a guy is too scared to approach a tranny and ask how much are his/her services; he's not manly.
If a guy cries; he's not manly.
If a guy likes the colour purple; he's not manly and well we say he's gay.
If a guy wears the colour pink; he's not manly.
If a guy plays with dolls without the intention of ripping them apart; he's not manly, of course he's not manly...if you do and think people pick on you, you might want to get yourself a manicure and pain your nails hot pink and while you're at it, go get yourself a Brazilian wax and make sure you leave a nice line of hair(you don't want me to mention where) you fag!

A guy has every reason to be scared when approaching a tranny. It shouldn't undermine his manly status.
Neither are crying, liking the colour purple and wearing a pink shirt. Society has injected into us their own set of rules as to what a man should or should not do, that would get him inducted into the Manly Hall Of Fame.

(Let me just clarify my point here, when I mean crying, I mean when your favourite sports team loses in the finals, it's manly to cry. Let it all out my brother. It's all for the love of the Game. But never never never ever cry for a girl. Your tears will go unappreciated bro. So never.

As for the colour purple, I bet most guys when they were young liked the colour purple. But as they grew up and realized that it was associated with the gay community, they striked it off so fast, that even Speedy Gonzales hadn't finished saying iba iba andaleh andaleh.

In regards to the colour pink, it takes a real man to pull it off. That my friend I have heard right out from the horses(women) mouth. So don't bother arguing with me. But that doesn't mean you should have your bedroom walls in pink or your boxers in pink with hello kitty all over. It will be going against the Man Code. And that my friend deserves the highest punishment: castration! )

So coming back to the topic for today: Should we take things more than we can handle?

Ask me whether I would love to be a Master of one or a Jack of all trades , my answer would be the latter.
Men have this in built in us wanting to be good at everything or almost everything, that's what most guys would love. There are definitely those who would love to focus their attention on only one and try to succeed in it.

When I say things, I mean ladies. Obviously right? It's a blog about women so what else would I want to talk about besides them?
Fuck no.

I'm not sure whether I mentioned narrowing down the kind of girls you're interested in, in one of my previous posts. I'm too lazy to go check it out, so I'll just go on.
Some guys like innocent girls.
Some like the wild ones.
Some the nerdy ones.
Some the bitchy ones
And some the slutty ones.

If you know what you want, and you're a one of those guys who's decisive and knows what kind of girls you're into, good for you. But on the other hand, I think you're a cunt.
Cos guys don't care whichever comes by their way.
A pussy is still a pussy. period
(okay putting period after pussy sounds gross, like bloody gross...eew).

They are like themes for your computer.
All of them will come in handy one day eventually.

They are as follows:
Nerdy: Good for those times you didn't do your homework and need to copy her answers, OR to call her over to your place to have your very own study sessions. You'll be surprised at how fast a girl who's into maths becomes engrossed with biology.

Bitchy: For those times when you're tired of talking and want someone to make you fall asleep. You let her go on about her day, her best friends, her BFFs and well her friends. You'll be surprised at how much she bitches about her friends than her enemies. Girls.

Slutty: They may not sleep around as much as you think they do. Some are virgins even. The slut factor is a way to blend in with society and feel at home with her cool slutty friends in school. It's sad sometimes thinking the kind of things these girls are willing to go through shit just to feel wanted. Oh well, their loss our gain guys. Besides they love showing tons of flesh...yummy! ooh la la.

Innocent: Ah this are the lot with the suppressed emotions and feelings. They are quiet. They seem to be in their own world, when actually they are busy thinking of getting banged till the cows come home. These girls have crazy fetishes. You leave them together with a guy in a room, and they will rip their clothes apart like some kind of sex monster.

Wild: They are the party animals of the female animal kingdom a.k.a. clubbingwildo suricata suricatta. They get drunk and wasted. Get fucked by random guys. Wake up the next morning at some guy's place, her place or beside a dumpster without her panties. Kinky I know, oops I mean stinky.

So you see, a different kind for a different occasion.


there's always a but in everything.
As much as it is good to accept whatever life sends your way, it's also good to know what you're looking for in a lady, and what kind of a lady you're looking for (I think I just confused myself).

It's like what I said before in one of my posts; know your target group(yup, like some company doing a survey), try going for them. Your main intention should be them. But if it goes out of the ball park sometimes, just take it all in my bro. No harm at all.

Remember these carefully:
  1. DO NOT try too hard to be good at every department with the ladies. Remember, you'll never be perfect.
  2. DO try to be good in at least one department first before moving to the next(e.g. talking with girls, flirting, approaching etc.).
  3. Always remember that when you have too much to handle, you'll only end up fucking yourself up. Chase one girl at a time. Leave the playboy lifestyle for later.
  4. Have a clear mindset of the type of girls you're interested in(this mindset should vary from time to time between the various types I've stated above).

Live with it.
Cos' you were created to be a man, and being a man is LEGEND...wait for it...a bit more.... DARY!
Rock on you manly thing!