Sunday 10 May 2009

Go out to have fun.

There are moments where we would really love to meet a lady, get to know her, get her number and see how things go on from then on.
She becomes your friend and you never know, one day she might just end up becoming your girlfriend.

The more you want something, the more it becomes elusive.
That's how I see things actually.

The more you're looking for a relationship, the more it eludes you.
The more you're looking to meet a lady, the more you will never meet one.
The more you want a fling, more opportunites regarding relationship will come by your way.
It's just it.
It's life as we all know it.

Psychologically, when we want something, it is being expressed unknowingly through our words and actions. And because we yearn so much for a particular thing, (and by this I'm not referring to desperation.That's far from it.) the other person can pretty much read/anlayse what we want. If you're desperate, do yourself a favour and dedicate your life to being a stalker. That way at least the person won't get to see you, and your actions will be pretty much unknown to the world until the time comes.

The world and all those living on it aren't actually dumb. We have this in built thing in us where we are able to understand one another without the need for words. Our actions speak volumes.
You ask me, "Jo, I like this girl a lot, but I do not know if she feels the same way about me."
Love, is a feeling we all experience.
And when we fall in love or like someone fucking a lot (if that's what all you people who do not believe in love call it), our senses get fucked. Everything gets blurred. The most obvious of signs go unnoticed. It's like as if we are on drugs. Everything around us seems like nothing. We care about nothing else except the person we love/like.
You already know that she feels the same way, but you still do not believe that, and only want to hear it directly from her.
* Love - We will dwell into this topic on another day

When the more we want something, we do things that exhibit what we want, even if we do not say it out in the open. It's as if we are asking people to read between the lines. And people are smart enough to read between the lines. When they do, they realize how much you want it and they try to stay away. This then results in us not getting what we want. It's because we tend to scare them away by placing too much in the open unknowingly and some of us do it knowingly.

Here's an example:
When you're hungry, you eat sufficiently. You know your limits and where to draw the line so as not to waste food. No one orders 20 chicken drumsticks and thinks that he'll be able to finish them all by himself. The moment he sees the drumsticks he would be half full, and will not be able to finish them up. You'll get sick at the very sight of it and it would take awhile before you start eating that dish again.

This though is different between people in love. They both share the same feelings for each other and know that they need each other(don't ask me for what, they just do. That's what all the movies and romance novels say) and wouldn't want to do anything to fuck it all up.

So when you want something so badly, like if you haven't gotten into a relationship before, and want to get yourself into one, because your biological clock is ticking; Take a minute to tell yourself that the opposite sex is just missing out on a jewel that's you and try to remove that need for a relationship from your mind (Please do not get too cocky doing so, cos' sometimes there's a reason why they do not notice you, and it would hurt if you knew).

Go out and do what you do best.
Have fun with your buddies.
Read a book.
Hump your soft toy like a dog.
Cry like a wussy.
Give yourself a wedgie.
Whatever it is that you do, carry on doing. Tell yourself "Who cares about relationship? I'm having a blast right now. I'm just enjoying life like how one should." 
That is, provided you have been doing almost everything correctly. Get that right first before you tell yourself what I asked you to tell yourself. 
Roger that?

Before you know it, relationship will be knocking on your door in the form of a lady.
A word of caution:
It could be that when you were depressed about not having a girlfriend and decided to cry it all out to your friends a month ago before reading this, that they decided to get you a mail ordered bride from Russia.
Actually, either way you look at it, it will still work out for you mate.

Ride the big one.


Geraldine said...

I dont know how humping your soft toy and giving yourself a wedgie will help hahaha but this post does make a lot of sense : D

do you guys actually put a lot of thought into your posts? it seems like you actually spent a lot of time analysing this, turning it over and analysing it somemore before posting it, but I could be surprised I guess (:

Ashley Joseph said...

Hell yeah of course we do put a lot of thought into the posts here at VOH !!!

All the posts are tied to our personal experiences...

Anyway it's nice to have input from the other side of the fence around here,please feel free to contribute :D

José said...

I'm glad it does makes sense.
Plus to get approval from the opposite sex means a lot (Not that we are looking for approval though. hehe).

Do we put a lot of thought into it?
Most certainly we do. But never to the extent of thinking about what to write for like months. If we can't find a topic to write about, we really can't be bothered.
It's just that sometimes, when one idea comes an entire fleet of ideas tag along (e.g. like when you wait for a bus that you need, it doesn't come. But when you don't, 3 or 4 of them come at once).
On the other hand, we do not want to put stuff up, just for the sake of putting them up. We strive for some substantial content at least, in the hope that it will aid our readers or READER.

p.s Most of the posts are scheduled actually, so as to hide the fact that we actually do go into a dry spell or a VOH block as I would love to call it.

Not really. It's basically our experiences bundled up into words. Come on, as much as we wanted to analyse it over and over again, some lady out there just I'm typing this out, could be proving one of our ways wrong.
For example: Some guy could get a girl without even smiling, because that particular girl doesn't like a guy that has a smile like that of a radiant sun. She could be into emo guys.

Sometimes not all the stuff we mention guarantees a 100% result. Nothing in life ever does. Guys will most definitely meet unpredictable ladies(actually most of them are!), and not necessarily the stuff we mention will work on them.
To simply put it, there's never and never will be a foolproof way/method of getting the ladies.
Guys will just have to try, try and try...till they get the coveted prize that they have been eying.
As much as I hate to admit it, trying to figure out a lady has always enticed me ever since the day I came into contact with the opposite sex.

[Women: Can't live with them,can't live without them !]

No pain no gain my fair lady! :)