Sunday 1 June 2008

Girls, girls, girls...

I've been on a life long quest to unlock nature's deepest darkest secret; a Woman's mind. Alright not really life long though. About 6 to 7 years ago.

You see, as much as I would have loved to have the 'Holy Book of Wtf-Women-Want' dropped straight into my hands from heaven, that isn't quite how life's supposed to be right?

First you'll have to go through a whole load of crap, then more crap... and then, oh yes life bitch slaps you instead.

That's just exactly how things work with them women too, but instead I end up yearning for more.

No shame?

Screw you.

That's just part of the game.

If you fall, you damn well dust off and get your fat ass up in no time and charge head-on for the next one.

I've gone through quite a bit and I'm sure sharing it, is most definitely the way to go.

If you're a guy suffering from icantseemtogetmyselfaroundwomenvitis or if you were like me waiting for a book to drop from the heavens(though this isn't exactly a book that's dropping from heaven), then THIS IS FOR YOU!

I hope what we wish to put together here, from what we already know will prove useful for you.

#1 Doing nothing gets you nothing

Everyone should probably know by now that by sitting and doing nothing will never get things done.

Just because you have treats for a dog doesn't mean dogs are gonna come to you. You need to show them that you have the treats, by first approaching them and then dangling it in front of them. Then only will dogs start to take notice that "Hey this guy has got some scooby snacks for me."

This is just a very good example, and I'm in no way trying to imply that the dogs mentioned above are the ladies.

So you see, if you continue wanting to get yourself around women, first you got to do something. Get out of your comfort zone. That in no way means trying to emulate someone else to look better/cooler. Just be yourself, while at the same time trying to do it.

If you know tons of people, then you have tons of friends, and when you know tons of friends, you're bound to know tons of girls.

So if you continue sitting and wanking off to Warcraft or Football Manager at home then all you gonna get is just a handful of cum and not the girls.

Get out!

Do something.

If you love playing soccer on the comp, then try doing so on the field instead.

Let's say you're an active person that does all sorts of activities, but still no matter what the girls still don't come along, OR the kind of girls you seem to be attracting always are far from the kinds you like.

As for the first problem, you're fuckin lying. Either that or you're most probably gay, but even then you'll still be having girls swarming at you to be their BFFs or shopping buddies!

As for the latter, this is a case of looking for something at the wrong place.Don't try looking for the toilet bowl in the bedroom, when the toilet bowl can only be found in a toilet. Sometimes it's the simplest things like these that go unnoticed most of the time.

If you like girls that go clubbing, then looking for them at a bookstore isn't going to help.If you like girls that love getting down and dirty by doing all sorts of crazy things, then trying to go shopping to meet them isn't gonna help. You'll end up finding those who aren't even prepared to break a nail.

It's simple.

A bird can only be found in a nest, chicken in coops and pigs in pens. period.

If you're still thinking what to do, well pick up something new. Like hmm... Parkour, skate boarding, swimming etc.

Hobbies are a great way to meet new people, if you know very little people. Trying to meet with people on networking sites like Facebook or Friendster isn't exactly the ideal way to go about it.

Taking the lazy way out of things gets you lazy screwed up returns. Put in effort and you get back more.

What if you're shy? Well learn how not to be. Things like these don't just happen in a day. It takes time. You've got to start off somewhere right?

Start calling friends whom you have not met in a very long time.

Meet up with them.

And get this straight, just having only A group of friends isn't going to help. Have a wide social circle. Have many groups of friends. Don't be choosey when it comes to friends. Having all sorts of friends is a good thing. You might never know that the guy you didn't quite like in secondary school might actually know quite a few hotties. Being choosey only applies when it comes to choosing the right girl to be in a relationship with.

Till then, keep that mind of yours as open as possible.

Remember that every stranger could be a potential friend of yours.

So for now be a friend to everyone!

Keep in mind that to every action there is an equal OR an opposite reaction.

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