Tuesday 21 July 2009


I cannot stress the importance of CONFIDENCE.

Well, I went out with a friend of mine over the weekend. I'm not going to mention his name and I've got to thank him for inspiring me to write on this topic.

It was his first time going to a club, so he decided to leave the honour to me to break his club virginity. Besides it was his birthday too, so all the more to celebrate.

I think I've said it countless times, always remember to have fun. He on the other hand only wanted to pick up some chick, so it didn't quite go according the way he wanted it to go. He asked me what was he doing wrong, to which I replied "You're not having fun".

I'm not sure whether he got it or not.
Anyway I'm going to elaborate further for him here. You see my friend, a club is where the bitch shields of ladies are so strong that even Superman wouldn't be able to penetrate through them.

Ladies know for a fact that they will be hit on by guys throughout the entire night. That to them makes them feel like Queens. Obviously right?
If there were only a few guys in a club and all the ladies were hitting on us, we would feel the same way too. It's the ego boost that comes along with it.

So when you're that guy that most guys are- trying to hit on some girl- you're not any different. Be different. Do not hit on girls. Just relax and have fun. Dish out a couple of crazy moves that no one would bother doing. Basically have fun. Don't act like you're having fun, cos' that will definitely show through.

When a girl wonders, why are you unlike all the other guys in the club who's flocking to her like a flock of seagulls waiting to peck her bottom, when you're just there having fun without a care in the world; that my friend is when I would say you've hit the jackpot.
She herself would come your way (if she's slutty enough) or for those more self-respecting ones, she would give you the eye. If you think it was just mere coincidence, wait for another 'moment'. If it happens, just smile and make your way to her and...

(What? You even expect me to give you details of what happens next? Fuck off!)

So when you enter a club or a party or any place for that matter do not go in for the sole purpose of picking up a chick so you could bang her senseless at your place or hers. Go in to have fun motherfuckers, have fun. Girls love guys who love to have a good time, and will get comfortable around them almost immediately.

Let me give you an example.
There was once when my friends and I decided to head on down to a club. Basically we were having fun. Coming out with shitty moves that would make any dancer wanna cry. Because they weren't exactly dance moves. Then out of nowhere a French lady around her 30s decides to grab my hand and wanted me to dance with her (Ash was there, so you can ask him). She was hot. Hot in a M.I.L.F. sort of way. And yes she was fucking French. I couldn't resist not dancing with her. I danced. She danced. I had fun. She had fun(how did I know that? Because she kissed me and thanked me for allowing her to have such a good time).
Just so you know, I didn't bring her back home. Cos' for all you know next morning she could be waking up beside my dad, having my mum disowning me.

So what happened that night?
Well, I had one too many girls and well that kind of pissed my friend off. haha. Besides I even got to know a couple of guys in a strictly platonic, heterosexual way. There was a Swiss dude who was training to be a pilot with SIA and wanted me to help me distinguish S'porean girls from the foreign ones, because he had a fetish for Asian girls.
Be sociable you bitches. Besides it wouldn't hurt to widen your social circle would it?

Anyway, the same thing goes for your day to day living. There are guys who dress up very well, but are too scared to look at whoever is checking them out.
There are those who look down most of the time when they're walking(this shows lack of confidence), while there are those who feel threatened when too many people start looking at them (they think that there must be a zit on their face, or a nose hair sticking out, or even a sesame seed on their forehead).
This thing applies for the girls too. When a guy decides to check them out, they're probably thinking that something is wrong.

So if you're planning to dress up to look good, you've got to be prepared for the looks and stares that will be headed your way. Stand tall, head up and walk slowly(not too slow, try to pace them well). It shows that you're confident and that you take pride in every step that you take. Let the world know that a King is walking the streets that very moment. That doesn't mean you carry on walking like a fucking confident robot, only to trip and fall over a marshmallow.
Be natural!

And if a girl checks you out, turn your fucking head in her direction and smile. If she doesn't smile back, fuck that bitch. But if she does smile back, then...

(You don't expect me to tell you what's next do you? Good. Cos' I was about to dick slap you!)


Jessica D said...

thank you sir! What the fuck is wrong with people these days and their incomparable fear of smiling and eye contact?

Jesus, if I smile at someone who is good looking, I'm not doing community service, I am wanting service. Smile back ass!

Jessica D said...

On another note...I don't care if people are in relationships and feel the need to glance away quickly. Take the ego boost and keep it a secret. The ball and chain doesn't have to know!

I'm done rambling...

José said...

Jessica Jessica Jessica! HAHA!
I was expecting that the people in America would be more warmer compared to those in Asian countries, as many stereotypes suggest.

If you do happen to come by Singapore one day, you'll notice that 3/4 of our population's a bunch of stuck up cunts. I kid you not.

And yes, I've got no idea what's wrong with smiling. They should pass a law where if you don't smile, you go straight to jail and do not pass go.

People in relationships should take it in their stride if any of them get looked at for the right reasons.
If your partner gets looked at, it just goes to show that you're one lucky bastard, and that you've got a prized catch.
Most tend to get jealous and all worked up, without even acknowledging the fact that we took to effort to acknowledge their efforts in wanting to look good.
Fuck those people seriously.